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Celtic Sea Salt USA

Celtic Sea Salt Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt 2.2 lb - Made in France by "Artisans du Sel"

Celtic Sea Salt Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt 2.2 lb - Made in France by "Artisans du Sel"

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About this product:

This Celtic Sea Salt Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt 2.2 lb, meticulously crafted by "Artisans du Sel" in France, is a premium culinary product. Sourced from the esteemed salt marshes of Guerande, this salt undergoes minimal processing, preserving its natural characteristics and essential minerals. With its exceptional purity and rich flavor, this coarse salt enhances the taste of dishes and is cherished by chefs and connoisseurs for its authenticity and quality.

Perfect for seasoning your favorite dishes, this crystal form salt is GMO-free, vegetarian, gluten-free, and has no artificial preservatives or flavors. It is also suitable for vegans, people with allergies, and those on low-fat, low-carbohydrate, and low-sugar diets. Use this single spice to bring out the natural flavors of your food.

  • The Guerande regional cuisine adds a unique taste to your dishes. This product is dye-free, caffeine-free, nut-free, egg-free, and free from other artificial coloring and gelatine.
  • This single spice product is perfect for those who value high-quality and authentic ingredients.
  • This salt is suitable for vegetarians, vegans, lactose intolerants, and those with nut and gluten allergies, making it a healthier alternative to other seasoning options.
  • Use it as a finishing touch on roasted vegetables, grilled meats, or even homemade popcorn. This single spice is free from artificial coloring, preservatives, and flavoring.
  • Add this pantry staple to your collection and elevate your cooking game. Add this to your cart now.
  • Bag of 2.2 lb (1kg)

Here are 10 ways to utilize Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt 2.2 lb by "Artisans du Sel":

  1. Grilling and Roasting: Use the coarse salt to season meats, vegetables, and seafood before grilling or roasting to enhance their natural flavors.

  2. Finishing Salts: Sprinkle a pinch of salt over cooked dishes just before serving to add a final burst of flavor and texture.

  3. Brining: Create a brine using the coarse salt to enhance the moisture and flavor of poultry, pork, or fish before cooking.

  4. Salt-Crusted Fish or Meat: Use the coarse salt to create a salt crust for baking or roasting whole fish or cuts of meat, which helps to retain moisture and infuse flavor.

  5. Homemade Seasoning Blends: Mix the coarse salt with herbs, spices, and aromatics to create custom seasoning blends for meats, vegetables, or dips.

  6. Pickling: Use the coarse salt to pickle vegetables, such as cucumbers or carrots, for a crunchy and tangy snack or garnish.

  7. Salted Caramel or Chocolate: Add a pinch of salt to homemade caramel sauce or chocolate desserts to balance sweetness and enhance flavor.

  8. Salted Butter: Mix the coarse salt into softened butter to create a delicious, salted butter spread for bread, pancakes, or baked goods.

  9. Salt Scrubs: Combine the coarse salt with oils and essential oils to create luxurious exfoliating body scrubs for skincare.

  10. Salt-Rimmed Cocktails: Use the coarse salt to rim glasses for cocktails like margaritas or rimming the edge of a Bloody Mary for an extra savory kick.

These are just a few ideas to inspire your culinary creativity with Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt!

Health Benefits:

While Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt shares many health benefits with other high-quality sea salts, its unique characteristics and artisanal production methods may offer some distinct advantages. Here are 10 unique health benefits of Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt:

  • Rich Mineral Content: Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt is harvested from the salt marshes of Guerande, France, retaining a rich array of minerals and trace elements, including magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and iodine. These minerals are essential for various bodily functions, including bone health, muscle function, and metabolism.
  • Natural Production Process: Produced by "Artisans du Sel" in France, Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt is harvested using traditional artisanal methods, which may result in a purer and less processed product compared to industrially refined salts. This natural production process preserves the salt's mineral content and ensures a higher quality product.
  • Balanced Sodium Intake: While salt is often associated with sodium intake, Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt's mineral-rich composition may help balance sodium levels in the body. The presence of other minerals and trace elements can influence how the body processes sodium, potentially mitigating the negative effects of excessive sodium intake on blood pressure and cardiovascular health.
  • Electrolyte Balance: The minerals found in Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt, such as potassium and magnesium, play vital roles in maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. This balance is crucial for proper hydration, muscle function, and nerve transmission.
  • Supports Thyroid Health: Guerande salt naturally contains iodine, an essential mineral for thyroid function. Adequate iodine intake is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism, energy levels, and overall health.
  • Alkalizing Properties: Despite being a salt, Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt has alkalizing properties that can help maintain the body's pH balance. Balancing the body's pH levels is important for overall health and may support the prevention of chronic diseases.
  • Improved Digestion: Consuming Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt in moderation can stimulate the production of stomach acid, aiding digestion, and nutrient absorption. Proper stomach acid levels are essential for breaking down food and extracting nutrients from the diet.
  • Enhanced Hydration: Salt plays a crucial role in regulating water balance in the body. By helping the body retain water, Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt promotes optimal hydration levels, especially during periods of increased physical activity or hot weather.
  • Muscle Recovery: The sodium content in Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt supports muscle function and recovery after exercise. Adequate sodium intake helps replenish electrolytes lost through sweat and facilitates muscle contraction and relaxation.
  • Stress Reduction: Salt can have calming effects on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt's natural mineral content may contribute to these stress-relieving properties, supporting overall well-being.


It's important to note that while Crude Brut Exception Guerande Salt offers unique health benefits, moderation is key. Like any salt, excessive consumption should be avoided to prevent potential health risks, such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. 

As with any dietary changes or health products, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before adding Celtic Sea Salt or any new supplement to your diet. The content on this page is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice.

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